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Sherry's "Guardian Angel"

I call my Angel, Guide and companion "Joe" - although this is not his real spiritual name.  He has been with me since I can remember.  As a child, I loved to look at his shining light. He was my special, mostly secret, lovely friend. He was very tall and he almost always wore a turban and a white robe when I was young. He was playful with me.

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Spiritual Development V.S. Psychic Development

Psychic gifts are interesting, useful and enticing... but, in and of themselves, they will never lead you to Self-Realization and a greater capacity to love.  They have their place in your growth, and can be a big step towards your awakening.  But the highest spiritual realms are far beyond the psychic realms.We all know people with no scruples who are very psychic. Psychic abilities do not equal someone being on any Spiritual path. It's a choice they must make, about how to use their abilities in their life and their work. 

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