A Message and Simple Meditation from Synergy

Synergy doesn't offer many messages for the public. I am privileged to share them, when it happens. 

"The Earth, and all of humanity, stands on the brink of great change, and only the smallest portion of this transformation will be obvious on the physical planes, to those who do not have the eyes to see it.  It is necessary that those who have their spiritual eyes open to work together to bring about this awakening."

"Those who have a high state of consciousness are not immobilized into inaction by fear, brought about by disasters. Instead, they immediately start to make a plan to turn the negative into an opportunity to learn, grow and work together. When you are on the physical planes, it is your opportunity to develop Soul’s ability to handle the highs and lows of life with compassionate detachment. It is where you learn to put into action the wishes and hopes that you have envisioned, before you came into this life."

"Detachment is often thought to mean “do not get involved.” It actually means that you do not allow what your idea of 'how things should be' to dictate in any relationship. There is no need to hide from life. Give yourself to life and to the celebration of being Soul. Cooperate and celebrate together."

"Nothing on the earth plane remains in the same place or in the same state. Everything moves and changes; it either develops and grows, or it weakens and it degenerates. Growth and decay are the inevitable and natural cycle and condition of this plane. You cannot transcend or negate karmic law."

"There have been and will be disasters and upheavals, large and small; much growth and much decay. The Earth, and all that dwell upon it, move through natural cycles which have occurred in this way, from the beginning. One might wish it were different, however, for the foreseeable future, this is the way of the physical plane."

"Yes, it is disturbing to see the literal inhumanity with which humans treat one another. Yes, it is disturbing to sense the pain and imbalance emanating from the various areas of the earth. Sensitive Beings naturally wish to do something to 'fix the problem’ and 'heal’ the pain and disturbances. Nevertheless, the Earth does not need healing in the way that you humans understand the concept.  It is the humans who need the healing.  Heal yourselves and you will heal the world.  Become more peaceful - and the world will become more peaceful."

"It is human nature to focus outside of oneself as a way of distracting from the true (and much harder) inner work.  Those who concentrate on 'fixing' themselves will accomplish what might seem like 'miracles' in their lifetimes. Those who concentrate on “fixing” things outside of themselves will accomplish nothing, except for more lifetimes on this planet."

"Energy is energy, just as fire is fire and electricity is electricity. All can be used for good or ill - and they ARE used for both.  Any energy sent into the earth is potent energy - and it can also be used for good or ill. Combining and generating energies within a group, even in a group that has stated “good intentions” may not have the desired or imagined effects, no matter the intent. Good intentions are not enough to soften or moderate the energy and its effect on the earth."

"Accordingly, I suggest that you consider doing something more far-sighted and safer than sending energy into the earth. I suggest that you still generate energy, and perhaps even combine your energy with others, but do this with only the intention of you, yourself, becoming internally more peaceful, loving and compassionate. This will effect profound changes in oneself as well as in the members of any group participating. Re-form yourself and you will re-form the thousands that you interact with. Spend some small effort in understanding this thoroughly and then a good result can be depended upon."


Here is a meditation that you can use to this effect with Crystal Skulls:

Begin by holding a crystal skull or sitting with a gathering of them. While breathing slowly, focus on bringing love (as you understand it) into the heart area. This love is perceived as a Golden ball of Light.  

Allow the Golden Light to expand slowly as you breathe in, filling yourself and the skull(s). Allow the Golden Light to slowly expand, filling the room, then the building, the city, the country, that part of the world…and finally, allow it to surround the entire earth, bathing everything on it with the highest vibrations of love and compassion.

"There is no need to concern yourself where the resultant energy is going or what it is doing. There is no need to try and control any resultant energies. Give freely. Let it go out, to be used in whatever manner is appropriate by the Earth and its inhabitants. Sending this ‘Higher Love Energy,’ without an individual or group specifically directing its final usage, will ensure that it is in a non detrimental form. Your skulls will also absorb this spiritual energy and release it where and when it is needed, without your direction."

"The quality of the ‘Love Energy’ that is sent by each individual will depend in part on what the sender has experienced, and can remember of Love.  If they have experienced deep and unconditional Love, they will be able to picture that Love and send it.  If they have experienced only conditional love, they will send that. Whatever is sent will be more than adequate, as long as there is no intent to manipulate the energies in any manner beyond offering them to be used. The act of sending even conditional love will, over some time, expand and become the more unconditional love. Thus the more one practices, the more benefit will accrue to the Sender, and to all upon the Earth."

"Please do not use your skulls and crystals to focus and send any energy into the earth, even this ‘Love Energy.’ Simply allow the energy to gently enfold the skulls and they will take only what they can use. Using a skull or other crystal to send and focus intense amounts of energy may damage their inner energy matrix and render them useless thereafter. Heed the example of Atlantis."

"Finally, when you consider the coming changes, remember that there does not need to be a general, large scale "disaster" to immobilize many human beings. The everyday, small misfortunes of life are enough to throw most humans out of balance.  When one is seriously out of balance they are not able to be of service to themselves or others. We each have different strengths and weaknesses. What is a severe test for one, may be quite easy for another. 

"Consequently, it behooves each of us to have patience and compassion with one another, for each of us will inevitably come to a place that is challenging, where we must turn to one another for aid and support.  For that reason, make every effort to live your lives with Balance and Gracefully, that is, with Grace.
Remember and  Know, that there is always a way through troubled times. There is always a way."


  • Patricia Bailey

    This message definitely came at the right moment. Thank You.

  • Mary Kay

    I just wanted to say I got the Fluorite laughing skull it is absolutely stunning and don’t worry. I’ll take very good care of her

  • Argenio Greco

    Thank you for sharing dear Sherry and Synergy.
    Beautiful, true, wise worden.
    Love the meditation with Gold light with the skull.

  • Jon Marks

    I am with you all the way sherri and synergy. Love

  • Shane

    Its beautiful thank you Sherry and Synergy.

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