Programming and Working with Your Crystal Skulls, Crystals, and Stones

Sometimes you may want to work with a crystal, crystal skull, or other stone, with the hopes of bringing about, or reinforcing, a positive change in your life.

The idea of "programming" your crystal may sound kind of strange. That word "program" seems to imply that you will be forcing your Will upon the crystal, and the deva that may be within.
That is not what this is, at all.
I am suggesting a simple way to ask it to be your partner and then convey what you are asking for help with.
I always ask for the help of the deva that is in the stone or crystal. I ask it if it would like to assist me in my project. Treat the deva and the work with respect, and it will go well!
(We will get into working with devas soon.)

Before I do anything else, I state what my expectations and wishes are for the partnership. I state them both to the crystal or stone, and to myself. 
That doesn’t mean that you need to know exactly how you want it to go, or that you have to think of anything and everything that could possibly happen during the process. You just need to be simple and clear. Think of it more as an introduction, and then a request for the two of you to work together. 
This is just a place to start. 

A traditional way of "programming" a crystal involves sharing your energy with the crystal and any Being that may be within it.  The energy you share is the energy of your thoughts, feelings, goals and hopes. You share via your subtle energy, while holding the crystal or stone. If you are focused when you do this, the energy message will be clear and the stone or crystal will help to intensify the energy and then send the energy back to you.
This energetic sharing can act as a constant subconscious reminder to you of what your goal is. 

The idea of how this works is that the crystal receives and absorbs the vibrations of the energies then re-broadcasts them outwards and/or back to the person holding the crystal, creating a kind of "feedback loop."
If you are working with a crystal skull to accomplish this, rather than a more natural shaped crystal or stone, then it will also amplify and then reflect the energy back at you. This is one of the qualities of a crystal skull.

The subtle energy body or "Aura" is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds each of us. It’s not visible to most people, but it is instinctively sensed or experienced by others. You don't have to see it, to experience it accurately.
The Aura is often shaped somewhat like an egg, with a kind of "eggshell" that encloses it. Everyone has colors, and clouds, swirling around inside.
Your energy field extends beyond your fingertips, and it expands or contracts, depending on what you are doing, and your emotional state. This energy field holds information, emotions, and other frequencies or "vibrations."
Now for a few words about Crystal Skulls. We will get into them in more depth in a later class.
For now, read this, think about it, and then consider that any stone or crystal will also do some of these things: crystal skulls will do all of them.

Crystal skulls amplify energy and then they reflect it
That is something anyone working with a crystal skull learns, often pretty quickly.
So... what do they amplify when you are working with one?
Where do they reflect it to?

If you have no specific intent or thought of what you want when you are working with one, (or even when you are around one for long) then they will tend to amplify the strongest underlying (and usually unresolved) emotional issue and reflect it back at you.
This could be great - or you could feel fairly uncomfortable.
You might feel emotional, overwhelmed... upset, anxious, peaceful, joyful; aggressive... any kind of emotion is possible.

Keep in mind that they don't make you feel anything - but they might well amplify it.
It's your responsibility to know that they could do this and to be prepared.

IF you live around a lot of skulls, you or others in the home could also be affected and not realize it. Again, they amplify the strongest underlying, and usually unresolved, emotional issue a person has, and then they reflect it back at them. They do this to help you to increase your self-awareness.
They will also help you to transform the energies, so you can heal, if you ask.

Crystal Skull researchers and the people who work with them agree that crystal skulls have the potential to do certain things with human energy, when carved properly.  Crystal skulls are tools of awareness. Although the exact words used below might not be universally used by each researcher, the concepts are solid. 
We can say that a properly carved skull will:
Focus Energy
Reflect Energy
Refract Energy
Amplify Energy
Attune Energy
Transmit Energy
Transform Energy
and they may...Store Energy

This means that Crystal Skulls are potentially very powerful tools of Spiritual Awareness.

When you are working with spiritual energies, it's important that your intent be as clear as possible. Energy follows intent.  I always try to keep what I want clear, and simple.

What could you set your intentions on when you start to work with a crystal skull, knowing that it will amplify that intent?
I suggest you start by setting your intent to have more clarity. If you have clarity then you can figure things out! 
At many points during your life, whether or not you are working with crystals, crystal skulls, or anything else, you'll find that having greater clarity will serve you well.

If you try to get more complicated with what you want them to assist you with, you may trip yourself up. The subconscious is very literal; you have to know how to "talk" to it to get it to cooperate. 

Crystal skulls at a certain level are simply taking your intent and amplifying it, then reflecting it back at you - they are not yet doing anything else with that "vibration."  So, keep it simple.

Always ask the deva in the stone or crystal if they are willing to help you.

After you think about your intent for a bit, pick up the crystal, stone or crystal skull and look at it. Turn it over and over in your hands, admiring it.

Finally, hold it firmly in both hands (unless it's fairly small and you feel would fit more comfortably in just one hand, that's also fine.

Keep the thought of what you wish to work with in mind, as clearly as possible. 

Now I'm going to teach you a simple technique that will be helpful in many other spiritual exercises and undertakings you may decide to take on.

Breathing with the crystal, skull or stone is a simple, effective way to connect to it. 

This is a technique that comes from the Real People, the tribe Synergy's twin, Harmony, lives with.
It is commonly used with crystal skulls, but can also be used with any stone or crystal.
You can work with any shape or kind of stone or crystal in this way.
Even people who have worked for years with all manner of stones and crystals will find that they can unlock a new layer by breathing with them.
Let's try this exercise now. As we do, I may refer to what you are holding as a skull, but remember, you can use any shaped stone or crystal. It IS especially effective with the skull shape, because of how that shape works with the human energy field.

We have a very simple intent right now: for the crystal, stone or crystal skull to help amplify our clarity.
If you have clarity then you can figure all kinds of things out.

Close your eyes and begin by breathing slowly and deeply for about 3-4 breaths.

NOTE: Be sure you are holding your skull, stone, or crystal firmly in either both hands, or in just the left hand, if it is very small. Keep the thought of what you wish to work with in mind, as you continue to breathe.

Now I'd like you to bring thoughts of someone or something that you love into your mind and into your heart.
Pretend or imagine that this someone or something you love is right in front of you and you are ready to give them a hug.
Take another breath and bring them close to your heart, breathing in the love you have for them. Allow that love to open your heart to whatever degree is appropriate and natural for you, at this time.
Continue to breathe for another for 3-5 breaths.

Next, take a moment to Ground your energy, at the base chakra.  
Put your attention on the base of your spine, on your root chakra. It's often perceived as a bright, clear red, like Jello.
Now pretend or imagine that you have a long cord (or perhaps roots, like tree roots) coming out of the base of your spine and going down deep into the ground, securing you to Mother Earth.
You are totally secure, and this connection allows you complete freedom of movement both physically and energetically.

Now take a moment to bring thoughts of something or someone that you are grateful for, into your mind and into your heart... and focus on feeling the emotion of gratitude.

And just continue breathing… slowly and deeply

Now pretend or imagine you are taking a sip of clear, cool, clean water; the water represents clarity.
The clarity of water fills every molecule of your body.

(You may wish to have some water handy to actually take a sip at this moment.)
Now, bring the skull close to your face, and slowly begin to breathe into the face of the skull.
Breathe right into the face of the skull, and then, when you inhale, breathe in deeply from the skull.  Continue this for about one minute.

The stone, and the deva, receive your energy through your breath. They take in the energy and then send it back, intensifying and amplifying it.  
(A skull shape is especially effective in this process, as the inside back of the skull acts as a kind of "satellite dish" or mirror, reflecting or "broadcasting" the energy of the intent back to the person who is connected with it.)

After you have this "loop" set up, you can set the crystal or skull down near you and it will continue broadcasting the "message" until you change it, by doing the same process over and over again. 
This can last for a few weeks, or a few months, depending on the clarity and strength of your intent.

The "Best Way" to work with Crystals and Stones

I think that the ‘best way’ to feel the energy of various crystals and stones, and to discover more about them, is to simply get some stones and do whatever you feel like doing with them!

Seriously, just sitting and looking at your stones may be perfect for you.

How you interact with your crystals and stones will be different for everyone and is perfect for each of you. Hold them, talk to them, put them in patterns, carry them around, display them on shelves, wear them, give them away, etc. Do what feels natural and appropriate to you.

Articles, books and such are a starting point; there are useful ones, and there are some that basically just collect dust.

Finally, it's a matter of personal taste whether you love the "rough" natural specimens, or are drawn to smoothly polished stones and carvings, above all, enjoy and love your crystals and stones! You will receive far more from them than you ever realized you could, if you are open to the possibilities. 



Here's an example of something you can try at home.

First, make a clear and simple statement, or declaration, of what you want, as if it is already happening, right now.

"I am open to receiving and recognizing Guidance in my life."

Now let's break it down, so you can think about what that might mean to you.
This step will help you to make and hold a clear, simple intent.
Here are some things that might be helpful to think about; you may have others.

-What would it "look like" if you could receive and recognize things that make up your "Guidance?"

-Your Guidance could include:
            Anything your Guide(s) point out to you or bring into your awareness.
            Anything coming from your High Self, and into your awareness.
            A heightened awareness of your  "sense of knowingness."
            Dreams you might have - even fragments that may stick in your mind.
-Now think about these things:
            Where will you be when "it" starts to happen?
            What will you be doing?
            How will you feel when you realize this is happening? 
            What will it take for you to know for certain that it is happening? 

1 comment

  • Tiaono Paoo

    Thank you for your time in putting this all together for us to read and learn from.

    I know of the Crystal Skull Harmony. Was blessed to get a reading from a keeper of another skull. Her name is Bec.

    Bec spoke of Synergy and Harmony in her talk.
    I was told by my friend Cindy about the event. She told tme to go, because I was meant to to go. And that I was going to get a reading from a female. It was going to be important.
    It was an amazing weekend and the people that look after Synergys twin, are my people. Bec said one other thing relating to synergy and I. So anyway,
    I found a male family member to confirm Harmony. And lo and behold it’s true. She is with my family🙏💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜💗💜

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