LAPIS LAZULI CRYSTAL SKULL Pendant / Pendulum - Throat Chakra, Manifestation
They measure approximately 1/2" to 5/8" inch long. The bale is Sterling Silver. The detailing is EXCELLENT!
Lapis Lazuli aka Lapis has been used for millennia to tap into one's inner power and self-confidence, as well as increasing psychic abilities. It is also a stone commonly used to help to connect and contact one's Guides.
Lapis helps to protect from psychic attacks with its high frequency; it must be very close, or better yet, be touching the body while a person is clearing and building up their energy field.
It is a perfect stone for divination and meditation, as it is useful for gaining clarity with a peaceful and neutral perception: especially with emotional issues.
The frequency of Lapis promotes truthfulness and openness, and is thought to help one to say just the right thing, as if by magic, at the perfect time.
It's also considered to be a stone of manifestation, helping one to understand more fully what it is in life you want and what to focus on manifesting, in order to achieve one's goals and spiritual purpose.
Lapis is a stone of spiritual love, also known for supporting the love and fidelity within a marriage.
It is a powerful stone that aids in comprehension and insight into one's self and insight into one's dreams.
It is good for balancing polarity and the male/female energies.
Lapis is a stone that has traditionally been reserved for royalty.
In Crystal Healing, Lapis is used to boost the immune system and help with sinus problems, as well as with depression and thyroid issues. It's considered beneficial for strengthening of the mind and body connection.
It is associated with the Throat Chakra and Third Eye.
Native legends speak of crystal skulls as an inheritance from ancient times. Said to “talk and sing” they are believed to carry messages for all mankind, including what may be discovered when we overcome our fear of death.
Reflect Energy
Attune Energy
Transmit Energy
Transform Energy
Store Energy
Amplify Energy
Synergy and Sherry are written about in several books, including two standard references about crystal skulls, by Dr. Jaap van Etten, PhD, as well as other books and publications too numerous to mention.
Sherry has been interviewed for Sci Fi / History channel documentaries about crystal skulls ,including on the History channel, series "Ancient Aliens" and with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM. Synergy and Sherry are featured in the Avalon video production about Crystal Skulls, entitled "Echoes From the Ages: Talking Story with Crystal Skulls" and have been involved in the SciFi channel Ghosthunters TAPSCON paranormal convention in Florida, as well as having been featured at many, many Crystal Skull, Metaphysical, Spiritual and Native gatherings across the the world.
Sherry Whitfield is an internationally known facilitator of workshops on various spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric subjects. Sherry emphasizes simple, practical applications for spiritual, personal and professional development. Clairvoyant since early childhood, she is known for her down to earth and gently humorous approach to spiritual topics. She's been the guardian of Synergy since February, 2001.