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A Message and Simple Meditation from Synergy

Synergy doesn't offer many messages for the public. I am privileged to share them, when it happens. "The Earth, and all of humanity, stands on the brink of great change, and only the smallest portion of this transformation will be obvious on the physical planes, to those who do not have the eyes to see it.  It is necessary that those who have their spiritual eyes open to work together to bring about this awakening."

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What is this Blog all about, anyway?

I wanted to write a blog about crystal skulls and my life as the guardian of Synergy, but I was worried about causing controversy with my experiences, because they seem to be a bit different than what I am hearing about from some other people working with crystal skulls.  We each have our own experiences and journey.  They are all valid for us! I mean to provoke thought, not to simply provoke. 

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